Medical Update - 11/26
Today was a day full of appointments and treatment at main campus.
We started our day with Dr. Gupta, my oncologist. Dr. Gupta reviewed my CT scan and had mostly good news to report. The bone mets are stable- no new tumor growth on bones, and what is there appears to be healing. The bladder primary source is stable also, but she would like to review some slides from the biopsy to see if there is any genetic testing that could guide some additional treatment. Finally, she found two small spots on my liver, which could be densities vs new tumors. She ordered an MRI and consult to radiation because they could be targeted and treated while they are still small and new.
Next appointment was with Dr. Angelini, the hematologist. She is following my platelet count. She was involved on my case last week when they went through the pre-approval process for my N-Plate platelet stimulator injections. The injections seem to be working because my platelet count has increased to 212 today! Dr. Angelini is just following closely now, making sure that the low platelet count was related to bone marrow suppression from radiation and chemo, and not some other process like a clot consuming them.
We also talked with the dietician and learned some tips to help with my chemo taste buds. She also gave us some ideas of ways to add protein and calories to my diet. I'm calling my diet the "Eat anything, eat everything, and add gravy" diet. I gained 3 pounds in the past week, and this is good news for me (I have lost 60 pounds since I've been diagnosed- I was very ill and not eating at all for close to 4 weeks apparently. This was during a time when I don't really remember what was happening, and I didn't blog because I was quite ill with enteritis).
My labwork today came back all normal; for those who are following the nitty-gritty and want numbers- WBC 17K, hemoglobin 8.9, platelets 212, K+ 4.9. No additional infusions needed to replace electrolytes or blood product transfusion today. RN did a PICC dressing change and cap change.
We finished the appointments and reviewed the lab results, then waited for the chemotherapy meds from pharmacy. The chemotherapy takes about 1 hour 10 minutes (30 minutes for each drug and 10 minutes to flush them through the PICC line afterwards) so the treatment is really the shortest part of the day. We were at the hospital from 8am until about 4pm. Yes, it was a long day. Yes, I'm exhausted at the end of the day. Yes, I'm blogging to update everyone, but No, I'm not taking visitors or callers tonight.
My plan tonight is eat some dinner (done), blog (doing), and watch some TV. Kennedy wants me to start watching St. Denis Medical, which is a new show similar to The Office, but in a healthcare setting. Humor sounds like a great idea, so I'm gonna give it a go. Let me know if you have a great show to binge watch. I'm always looking for something new to consume some boredom time.
This weekend looks to be anything but boring. Coming up- Nurse home visit tomorrow, Thanksgiving 2.0 on Thursday, and Christmas decorating/pizza baking on Friday. "The Game" on Saturday. Browns football on Sunday. F1 race in Qatar. Lots to look forward to!
This is day 163.