

Reading:  The Lost Bookshop by Evie Woods.

Snacking: Pumpkin Spice Chai and a lemon cake from Starbucks

Watching: Camera/photography videos

Self: Gave myself a manicure

Listening: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, audiobook from Hoopla

Activity: color by number on the computer

Gaming: Ticket to Ride (Ride On) on the computer

Treatment plan: labs on Monday or Tuesday and Treatment on Wednesday

Asking for: thoughts and prayers for continued strength and improvement.

I'm feeling quite good and have had much stronger energy and stamina since a blood transfusion the other day.  As far as treatment goes, Wednesday's treatment was delayed because my platelet count was low (70) and needed to be 80 to do the treatment.  So team decided to give me a little longer between treatments to recover.  

My biggest complaint this week is how funny chemotherapy makes food taste.  Everything tastes like cardboard except for some sweet things.  Anything savory is not very good, especially tomato-based tastes.  My oncologist recommended taking a zinc supplement.  Does anyone have experience with weird chemo taste buds??

This is day 145.



Rachel Jewell said…
My chemo tastebuds were the same… mostly sweet stuff- chocolate milk, Starbursts , sherbet, etc. I did try spicy foods (because I love spicy, and I was looking for some flavor)- but quickly found that the heartburn was unbearable!! I found a happy medium with naturally sweet foods, such as sweet potatoes/yams, and fruits (canned pears, peaches, and mandarin oranges). I am glad you are able to keep busy during these difficult days- my chemo made listening to anything horrible from hyper-auditory/over-amplification issues, and I couldn’t see much due to blurry/far-sighted vision changes. Keep up the positive attitude… Good Vibes Only! Please know, you and your family in my daily prayers! 💛

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