Just Breathe.

Just breathe.

Maybe the best advice I've received since this journey started.  I now have a sweet silver ring from my aunt and uncle with this simple phrase on it to remind me daily how much of a difference this can make.

These two words have gotten me through several procedures when I couldn't relax, couldn't lie still, couldn't find pain relief; when I felt scared, alone, overwhelmed, lost.

When I'm too tired to even hold a conversation, but can't sleep for longer than an hour at a time...just breathe.

When sitting up hurts just as much as lying down, and walking seems like an impossible feat...just breathe.

When I'm worried about what's to come- the next treatment, the next scans...just breathe.

When the side effects of my medications or treatments seem too much...just breathe.

When I'm overwhelmed with my health, under powered with energy, and upside-down with emotions...just breathe.

Just stop and take some deep cleansing breaths.  Close my eyes, do some box breathing. Meditate, clear my mind, cleanse my soul, and reset.  One day at a time. One hour at a time. One procedure, one medication, one breath at a time.  I will get through this.  

Just breathe.



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