It Should Feel Like Christmas in July.

8:08 am: Today's the day.  Treatment #1.  I'm awake, morning routine ongoing, which consists of breakfast (peanut butter toast on oatnut bread), internet catch-up, and a little walk around the house.  Today's surprise (Sydney actually showed my last night but I saw first hand today) is the beautiful sunflowers blooming in Sydney's raised bed gardens.

I went to bed last night feeling like it was Christmas Eve.  I was excited to finally be starting the active phase of treatment, moving past the evaluation and preparation phase.  But I'd be lying if I were to say I woke up with a "Let's get this party started!" gung-ho attitude about starting treatment today.  I woke up with a lot of anxiety and nervousness.   As someone who thrives in facts and figures, numbers and data, I know that the combination of medications they have planned for me is very powerful and has shown promising results.  I know that I am being cared for by world-class oncologists, nurse practitioners, and nurses and others who are going to do their best.  I've read several reassuring research studies and anecdotal accounts of success with Padcev + Keytruda.  Now I just need my body to act typical for the next few months.  Lately, I'm feeling like that's a big ask.

10:30am:  Let's go!  Bags are packed and we're leaving home!  Let's do this!!

11:40am: Arrived at the Clinic and checked in to the lab.  Wow....there's so many people waiting for labwork.  First signs that this place operates pretty efficiently.  Also, they need more seating!

12:20pm:  Accessed.  Like a backstage pass! I'm feeling like a rockstar with my green badge of courage!  The IV went in easily and the labwork was a piece of cake.  I was all nerves.  But the venipuncture tech was a complete pro.

1:10pm: Appointment with the sweetest NP, Carolyn Pietro.  Lots of reassurance, good words and encouragement.  Carolyn helped me feel at ease and relax (a little bit).  "Relax" is relative, in this situation.  Being wound up tighter than a spring is normal for me, but now feeling even more tense than that is a whole new level of anxiety that I'm not sure how I'll cope.

1:30pm: Now let's talk about the bling!  The desk secretary sure knows how to make a girl feel special!  If you have to wear a hospital bracelet, why can't it be jeweled and jazzy?  I like how that lady thinks!

2:00pm: Into my treatment room.  I get my own little suite with a TV, recliner, and huge panoramic window.  What a view!  I think this will be pretty to watch the seasons change from this 3rd floor window.

2:15pm: Another nurse practitioner, Diane with my patient binder and all the services available to me at The Cleveland Clinic.  Yoga, art, cooking, massage.  Another review of the meds and what to do if I experience side effects.  Everyone seems very reassuring about the meds.  I will trust in their experience and knowledge. Let's pray and hope this goes well.

3:02pm: Premedicated with Zofran.  Bye-bye nausea....

3:39pm:  Padcev started - 30 minutes to get these little cancer butt-kickers in my veins.  

4:10pm: First infusion done.4:40pm: Second drug started - Keytruda.  Let's get this immune system into hyperdrive!!5:10pm: Right on schedule...second drug done. 15 minute flush and we are headed home!6:50pm:  After an exhausting day of sitting and sitting and sitting some more, my back and my sides are on fire and I'm exhausted.  We had some wonderful wedding soup from my good friend Amy waiting at home, and that made a delicious post-treatment dinner.I was happily in bed by 7:30pm to watch Jeopardy, and dozed off between 8 and 9 intermittently while Bachelorette was on, and am now up to eat a popsicle and finish my blog post for the day.Tomorrow will be a baseline bone scan, but thankfully closer to home - just at CC Mercy.  I'm praying already that the IV will go in easily like today's IV.   I guess this would be a typical Monday treatment day.  A typical Monday treatment night is going to look like me trying to sleep and hopefully being somewhat successful at it.This is day 22.signature


Margie Crowe said…
You are a remarkable lady. Thank you for sharing your adventure.
Jane said…
Thinking and praying for you every day. Thank you for sharing your blog with everyone and keeping us updated.

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