22 years.

22 years ago, I was a young lady, 26 years old, gathered with my family and friends, asking God's blessing as I married Jason.

22 years later, we've born and raised 3 kids, suffered a miscarriage, celebrated graduations, weddings, and births for many friends and family members, and have grieved the loss of grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, and a parent.  

I knew 22 years ago he was a dream come true.  22 years later, I can truly say he has lived up to every imagined billing I gave him all those years ago.

While this illness has proven many things to me, Jason's devotion and love for me and for our family has never been more clear.  Our vows included "In sickness and in health..."  He has personified every word of that to me in these past 6 weeks.  

Jason has been to every doctor's appointment, every treatment.  He's been my shoulder to cry on, my strength when I needed someone to lift and hold me up.  He's been the steps to guide me in this dark world of cancer when I've been unsure and scared and uncertain.  He's my chef, my chauffeur, my heavy lifter, my personal shopper, my "can you get my...?" guy, and my Wheel of Fortune competition each night.

He's also been the light and bright, shining for our kids in the gloom to keep their lives from becoming depressing and sad.  He's found so many ways to bring fun and excitement into days that could otherwise have been downhearted.  He brings our family together when everyone is scattering in different directions.  He's the game night organizer, the director of activities, fixer of cars (oh so many car repairs!), lacrosse coach, and de-escalator of fights and grievances.

He really is our rock in our family.  And when I think about celebrating our love for each other today, I realize there is no reason we shouldn't celebrate this love every day.  It's an amazing love, an incredible love, a once in a lifetime love.  A love I'm lucky to experience in my lifetime, and a love I'm hopeful my children will experience with partners in their lifetime.

Happy 22nd Anniversary, Jason! Loved you then, love you still....always have, always will!  🩷   

(BTW, our anniversary was yesterday, but I kept falling asleep last night while writing this post after our full day of family reunion fun.  I'm posting it a day late...but the sentiment is still timely!)

This was day 41.


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