Mommy-of-Three v2.0: Rebooted.

It's been a long time, 10 years or maybe longer since I've dusted off my keyboard warrior skills and put together a tome worthy of sharing across the interwebs.

What a walk down memory lane it was as I re-opened my "Mommy-of-Three" archives- stories of raising my three littles, the trials and tribulations I faced as a young mama, the joys, laughter, jokes and fun, and oh the love.  What a time of my life that was.

But now I get to reopen my blog for a little different reason.

A word I'm not sure I was fully prepared to hear.  A word I definitely was not fully prepared to comprehend or deal with.

CANCER. Bladder Cancer with Bone Cancer. Metastatic Cancer.

Every time I say it, it still sound surreal.  I'm 48 years old.  I have 2 kids in college and a senior in high school.  I have a career where I enjoy both the challenge and comfort of caring for tiny babies, and have opportunities to teach and mentor students.  My husband, a varsity coach in our hometown, for a sport he loves.  My parents happily retired and enjoying their golden years. My extended family all doing well in their own rights, nearing graduations, engagements, weddings, and other big events.

But that dark night, propped among pillows in the ER to keep my back from falling apart, after labwork and scans and medications to make me drowsy, the news was delivered from a doctor that what we thought was a kidney stone causing back pain was actually a tumor in my bladder with metastases to my bones complicated by a UTI.  

A week-long stay in the hospital filled with procedures, scans, pain meds and antibiotics, organization of a team of doctors, therapy, referrals, and appointments.  Hurry up and wait.  So many sleepy days. So many sleepless nights.

Discharged on a Thursday.  Home with medical equipment (a catheter?!? how am I going to deal with this for two weeks!?!?!). Learning a new way to care for my body. Managing pain medicine and remain functional for my family.  

A weekend to settle in at home.  A lot of figuring out what this new "new" looks like.  My kids and husband have been nothing short of amazing in helping around the house.  Jason is home chef extraordinaire, making some of my favorite foods just to make sure the little bit of appetite I have is filled with my good eats. The kids bring me plenty of distractions, including coloring pages, books to read, shows to binge watch.  Friends and family with flowers, cards, words of encouragement, offers for help, food, errands.  I am one lucky girl to have so many people in my life who have blessed me and mine during this stressful time.

That's Week One. Hopefully many more weeks to come.


Gina Shank Brugh said…
Lifting prayers up for you during this time.
Monica Coventry said…
Oh Jenna!!! I have been praying for you ever since I found out about your cancer diagnosis! YOu are an amazing NNP, mother , photographer and also a gift of writing! Stay positive and hopeful- you got this! So many people praying for you!!

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