
Showing posts from January, 2025

I'm Falling for You....(but not in a good way)

So we got thrown a little curveball this weekend.   Treatment last week on Thursday went seemingly well.  Labs were normal. Then on Saturday night, I started having hematuria (blood in my urine).  I called my oncologist on call and they said to observe it over the weekend, sometimes it just occurs without a definite cause, but resolves on its own.  Sunday, my urine color improved, and the bleeding seemed to be getting better. Monday morning, I didn't feel great but I blamed it on the post-treatment slump that hangs around for a few days.  Jason and I began our usual morning routine where I go to the bathroom, get dressed, get ready to start the day.  Except when I moved from the wheelchair to the toilet, I was lightheaded and passed out.  Jason moved me to the floor and stayed with me until I came to, and we decided to call the squad to take me to the hospital. So Monday, What I believed would be a 23 hour observation, turned into 5 days in the ho...

Let's Talk about those Scans

Last week was a busy week.  I had a full body PET scan on Tuesday and an MRI of my liver on Wednesday, Dr, appointment on Thursday and finally Treatment on Friday. Dr. Gupta reviewed the scans before our Thursday appointment.  The PET scan noted the bladder mass, liver tumors, and bone mets that we have known about.  The good news is there is no involvement of new organs- no abdominal organs like kidneys, intestines, pancreas, or stomach.  Nothing in my head or lungs or heart. Hallelujah! The MRI specifically looked at the liver tumors.  It looks like there is necrosis (dying tissue) in the spots, so it seems like the chemotherapy is hitting the liver tumors.  I saw a radiation oncologist to see if radiation is necessary, and he doesn't want to do radiation to the abdomen with my enteritis / colitis. Dr. Gupta feels like we can complete another few rounds of chemo and then take a break.  I think that sounds wonderful! Treatment on Friday went well....

Post Holiday Update

It's been awhile since I've written a blog post, but honestly, I've been living life and enjoying the holidays with family and friends, so no regrets on the lack of updates. I'm sure you're all eager to hear about my Christmas and New Year's holidays.  I spent as much time as I could with my family and friends.  We celebrated with family and friends, and enjoyed all the traditions that we have created and come to love. We enjoyed Christmas Eve worship with our church family.  We dearly missed those family and friends we lost this year, and look forward to the new year and all the new opportunities to grow our bonds with those people who remain.  This year, we will celebrate graduations for Sydney and two of my nieces- Mallory and Olivia,  and a wedding for another niece- Audrey.   Medically, in December, I finished round 6 of chemotherapy.  I now have a PET scan and MRI this week (Tuesday and Wednesday), an appointment with the oncologist (Thursda...