I'm Falling for You....(but not in a good way)
So we got thrown a little curveball this weekend. Treatment last week on Thursday went seemingly well. Labs were normal. Then on Saturday night, I started having hematuria (blood in my urine). I called my oncologist on call and they said to observe it over the weekend, sometimes it just occurs without a definite cause, but resolves on its own. Sunday, my urine color improved, and the bleeding seemed to be getting better. Monday morning, I didn't feel great but I blamed it on the post-treatment slump that hangs around for a few days. Jason and I began our usual morning routine where I go to the bathroom, get dressed, get ready to start the day. Except when I moved from the wheelchair to the toilet, I was lightheaded and passed out. Jason moved me to the floor and stayed with me until I came to, and we decided to call the squad to take me to the hospital. So Monday, What I believed would be a 23 hour observation, turned into 5 days in the ho...